MCQ on Cardiovascular System for Medical and Staff Nurse Exams | HimExam.Net

mcq on cardiovascular function system for medical and staff nure

1. Relationship between arterial blood pressure (BP), cardiac outpur (CO) and peripheral vascular resistance (PVR) can be described as
(D) None of the above

2. If a fibrinolytic drug is used for treatment of acute myocardial infarction, the adverse drug effect that is most likely to occur is
(A) Acute renal failure
(B) Development of antiplatelet antibodies
(C) Encephalitis secondary to liver dysfunction
(D) Hemorrhagic stroke
(E) Neutropenia

3. Increased serum levels of which of the following may be associated with a decreased risk of atherosclerosis?
(A) Very low­density lipoproteins (VLDL)
(B) Low­density lipoproteins (LDL)
(C) Intermediate – density lipoproteins (IDL)
(D) High­density lipoproteins (HDL)
(E) Cholesterol

4. If the patient has a history of gout, which of the following drugs is most likely to exacerbate this condition?
(A) Colestipol
(B) Gemfibrozil
(C) Lovastatin
(D) Niacin
(E) Simvastatin

5. After being counseled about lifestyle and dietary changes, the patient was started on atorvastatin. During his treatment with atorvastatin, it is important to routinely monitor serum concentrations of
(A) Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
(B) Alanine and aspartate aminotransferase
(C) Platelets
(D) Red blood cells
(E) Uric acid

6. Six months after beginning atorvastatin, the patient’s total and LDL cholesterol concentrations remained above normal and he continued to have anginal attacks despite good adherence to his antianginal medications. His physician decided for niacin. The major recognized mechanism of action of niacin is
(A) Decreased lipid synthesis in adipose tissue
(B) Decreased oxidation of lipids in endothelial cells
(C) Decreased secretion of VLDL by the liver
(D) Increased endocytosis of HDL by the liver
(E) Increased lipid hydrolysis by lipoprotein lipase

7. Following drugs act on imidazoline receptor
(A) Moxonidine
(B) Dexmedetomidine
(C) Tizanidine
(D) All of the above

8. Which one of the following drugs increase digoxin plasma concentration by a pharmacokinetic mechanism?
(A) Captopril
(B) Hydrochorothiazide
(C) Lidocaine
(D) Quinidine
(E) Sulfasalazine

9. A 55­year­old patient currently receiving other drugs for another condition is to be started on diuretic therapy for mild heart failure. Thiazides are known to reduce the excretion of
(A) Diazepam
(B) Fluoxetine
(C) Imipramine
(D) Lithium
(E) Potassium

10. A hypertensive patient has been using nifedipine for some time without untoward effects. If he experiences a rapidly developing enhancement of the antihypertensive effect of the drug, it is probably due to
(A) Concomitant use of antacids
(B) Fods containing tyramine
(C) Grapefruit juice
(D) Induction of drug metabolism
(E) Over – the – counter decongestants

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