Staff Nurse MCQ's on Anatomy Objective Questions | HimExam.Net

Staff Nurse MCQ's on Anatomy Objective Questions
1.­ Which of the following statements are true of coronary artery anatomy?
A. Right bundle branch block in acute anterior myocardial infarction suggests obstruction prior to the first septal branch of the left anterior descending coronary artery
B. the posterior descending artery is usually a branch of the circumflex artery
C. The sinus node is supplied by a branch of the right coronary in over 90% of subjects.
D. The AV node is supplied by the left anterior descending coronary artery.
E. The left main stem is about 4 cm long

2­. Which of the following would be the result of a spinal lesion at the level of C8?
A. a reduced brachioradialis reflex
B. inability to abduct the shoulder
C. loss of sensation over the lateral aspect of the arm
D. winging of the scapula
E. weakness of finger flexion

3.­ A 73 ­year ­old man presents with an abrupt onset of double vision and left leg weakness. Examination shows weakness of abduction of the right eye, right­ sided facial weakness affecting upper and lower parts of the face. He also has a left hemiparesis. Where is the lesion?
A. left frontal lobe
B. left lateral medulla
C. right corpus striatum
D. right midbrain
E. right pons

4.­ Which of the following regarding the anatomy of the heart is true?
A. The aortic valve is tricuspid.
B. The ascending aorta is entirely outside the pericardial sac.
C. The left atrial appendage is identified readily by transthoracic echocardiography.
D. The pulmonary trunk lies anterior to the ascending aorta.
E. The right atrium is posterior to the left atrium.

5.­ Which ONE of the following would be expected in a third nerve palsy?
A. Enophthalmos
B. Constricted pupil
C. Convergent strabismus
D. Increased lacrimation
E. Unreactive pupil to light

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