Most Asked 100 MCQ from Analgesics and Antipyretics for Staff Nurse | HimExam.Net

Most Asked 100 MCQ from Analgesics and Antipyretics for Staff Nurse
1. â­-Aminoethylimidazole is?
(a) 2­methyl histamine
(b) Histamine
(c) 2­pyridyl ethylamine
(d) 4­methyl histamine

2. Agents that often cause vasoconstriction include all of the following except
(a) Angiotensin II
(b) Methysergide
(c) PGF2a
(d) Prostacyclin
(e) Thromboxane

3. Inflammation is a complex tissue reaction that includes the release of cytokines, leukotrienes, prostaglandins, and peptides. Prostaglandins involved in inflammatory processes are produced from arachidonic acid by
(a) Cyclooxygenase 1
(b) Cyclooxygenase 2
(c) Glutathione – S – transferase
(d) Lipoxygenase
(e) Phospholipase A2

4. A 60­year­old woman has glaucoma following cataract surgery. Which of the following can be used to reduce intraocular pressure?
(a) Leukotriene LTD4 or its analogs
(b) Prostaglandin E2 or its analogs
(c) Prostaglandin F2a or its analogs
(d) Slow­reacting substance of anaplylaxis (SRS­A)
(e) Thromboxane A2 or its analogs

5. Which of the following is a reversible inhibitor of platelet cyclooxygenase?
(a) Alprostadil
(b) Aspirin
(c) Ibuprofen
(d) LTC4
(e) Misoprostol

6. Vasodilation by prostaglandins involves
(a) Arterioles
(b) Precapillary sphincters
(c) Postcapillary venules
(d) All of the above

7. Fentanyl transdermal patches have been used postoperatively to provide transdermal analgesia. The most dangerous adverse effect of this mode of administration is
(a) Cutaneous reactions
(b) Diarrhea
(c) Hypertension
(d) Relaxation of skeletal muscle
(e) Respiratory depression

8. Opioid analgesics are either contraindicated or must be used with extreme caution in several clinical situations. For morphine, such situations do not include
(a) Aqueous diffusion
(b) Aqueous hydrolysis
(c) Lipid diffusion
(d) Pinocytosis or endocytosis
(e) Special carrier transport

9. Following is an example of paraaminophenol NSAID
(a) Diclofenac
(b) Acetaminophen
(c) Piroxicam
(d) Celecoxib

10. This drug, which does not activate opioid receptors, has been proposed as a maintenance drug in treatment programs for opioid addicts; a singly oral dose will block the effects of injected heroin for up to 48 hours
(a) Amphetamine
(b) Buprenorphine
(c) Naloxone
(d) Naltrexone
(e) Propoxyphene

11. Which one of the following statements about dextromethorphan is accurate?
(a) Activates kappa receptors
(b) Analgesia equivalent to pentazocine
(c) Highly effective antiemetic
(d) Less constipation than codeine
(e) Use requires a prescription

12. Which one of the following effects does not occur in salicylate intoxication ?
(a) Hyperventilation
(b) Hypothemia
(c) Metabolic acidosis
(d) Respiratory alkalosis
(e) Tinnitus

13. Which one of the following drugs is not useful in dysmenorrhea?
(a) Aspirin
(b) Colchicine
(c) Ibuprofen
(d) Rofecoxib
(e) Naproxen

14. Following gold compound is generally administered orally
(a) Aurothioglucose
(b) Auronafin
(c) Gold sodium thiomalate
(d) All of the above

15. The main advantage of ketorolac over aspirin is that ketorolac
(a) Can be combined more safely with an opioid such as codeine
(b) Can be obtained as an over­the­counter agent
(c) Does not prolong the bleeding time
(d) Is available in a parenteral formulation that can be injected intramuscularly or intravenously
(e) Is less likely to cause acute renal failure in patients with some preexisting degree of renal impairment

16. A 45­year­old surgeon has developed symmetric early morning stiffness in her hands. She wishes to take a nonsteroidal anti­inflammatory drug to relieve these symptoms and wants to avoid gastrointestinal side effects. Which one of the following drugs is most appropriate?
(a) Aspirin
(b) Celecoxib
(c) Ibuprofen
(d) Indomethacin
(e) Piroxicam

17. Following is an example of preformed and not lipid derived mast cell mediator of inflammatory process
(a) LTC4
(b) PGD2
(c) PAF
(d) Histamine

18. The toxicity spectrum of aspirin does not include
(a) Increased risk of encephalopathy in children with viral infections
(b) Increased risk of peptic ulcers
(c) Hyperprothrombinemia
(d) Metabolic acidosis
(e) Respiratory alkalosis

19. Accidental poisonings are common with both aspirin and ibuprofen, two OC drugs available in tasty chewable tablets. In cases of overdose, aspirin is more likely than ibuprofen to cause
(a) Autonomic Instability
(b) Hepatic necrosis
(c) Metabolic acidosis
(d) Thrombocytopenia
(e) Ventricular arrhythmias

20. A drug that decreases blood pressure and has analgesic and spasmolytic effects when given intrathecally is
(a) Atenolol
(b) Clonidine
(c) Morphine
(d) Nitroprusside
(e) Prazosin


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